Play Therapy Parenting Podcast Episodes

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S2E23 – Solving Hygiene Battles with Choices

S2E23 – Solving Hygiene Battles with Choices

In this episode, I address a common parenting challenge: children's resistance to hygiene practices. I respond to a question from Rosemary in Florida, who's struggling with her 10-year-old daughter's refusal to use soap while showering and to wipe and flush after...

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S2E9 – Addressing Body Image Concerns in Young Children

S2E9 – Addressing Body Image Concerns in Young Children

In this episode, I address a question submitted by a therapist on behalf of a concerned parent. The parent has a 6-year-old girl who is grappling with body image issues. As this little girl expresses concerns about her tummy being "fat" and worries that other kids are...

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S2E7 – Navigating Sibling Conflict: Listener Q&A with Hayley

S2E7 – Navigating Sibling Conflict: Listener Q&A with Hayley

In this episode, I answer a question from Hayley in Australia, dealing with a common issue many parents face: sibling conflict. Hayley has been diligently applying the principles we discuss here, such as getting down to her children's level, validating their feelings,...

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S2E3 – Understanding and Addressing Big Emotions in Siblings

S2E3 – Understanding and Addressing Big Emotions in Siblings

In this episode of the Play Therapy Parenting Podcast, I discuss a common parenting challenge: how to handle big emotions in kids, especially when they're directed at siblings. I relate a scenario shared by Heather from Florida, who struggles with regulating her own...

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Navigating Parenthood: Direction over Perfection

Navigating Parenthood: Direction over Perfection

In this episode of the Play Therapy Parenting Podcast, I explore the analogy of a compass and how it relates to parenting. I delve into the fact that a compass doesn't actually point to True North, contrary to popular belief. This realization led me to reflect on the...

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A Deeper Dive Into Praise Vs Encouragement

A Deeper Dive Into Praise Vs Encouragement

In this episode of the Play Therapy Parenting Podcast, I take a deep dive into praise vs encouragement from a child-centered play therapy standpoint. Building upon the previous episode's overview, I recount a conversation with a house parent at the Hope Children's...

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What To Do When Choice Giving “Isn’t Working”

What To Do When Choice Giving “Isn’t Working”

Listeners Dan and Clay emailed me similar questions regarding "roadblocks" in the choice-giving process. In this episode, I discuss the following topics: - The purpose behind why we give choices - Hindrances to the choice-giving process (congruence, choices given only...

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How To Bond And Connect With Your Baby In The Best Way

How To Bond And Connect With Your Baby In The Best Way

One of the podcast listeners, Josh, emailed me and asked how to best connect with their baby.  Play therapy principles still apply in relationship building with babies and infants!  So in this episode, I'll go into how to connect and bond with your infant in three...

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The Dangers Of TikTok

The Dangers Of TikTok

As a child therapist, I'm on the front lines of the damage that devices and social media are doing to our kids. The worst of all, in my opinion, is TikTok. There is nothing redeemable about TikTok, especially in light of what it's doing to our teens and young adults....

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Do You Hear Me? Do You See Me? Do I Matter?

Do You Hear Me? Do You See Me? Do I Matter?

"Every day, in a hundred small ways, our children ask us...Do you hear me? Do you see me? Do I matter? And their behavior often reflects our response." This is a powerful quote by L.R. Knost that perfectly describes play therapy and what I'm trying to communicate on...

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The Baker Act Epidemic: Know Your Rights As Parents

The Baker Act Epidemic: Know Your Rights As Parents

Baker Acts (involuntary commission to a mental health facility) are on the rise, and there are many things that parents don't know. In this episode, I discuss the following topics: What you should know about the process at the Baker Act facility What you should know...

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The Importance Of Sleep And Getting Outside

The Importance Of Sleep And Getting Outside

I had a personal reminder the other day about how being outside promotes restorative sleep. So I tell that story in this episode, and then I relate it to how much kids are affected by simply getting some outdoor time, and how that helps the deep sleep cycle. All of...

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100th Episode Special! A Look Behind, And A Look Ahead

100th Episode Special! A Look Behind, And A Look Ahead

We did it! In this 100th episode of the Play Therapy Parenting podcast, I take a look back (all the way to 2006!), and a look forward and where I'm going with everything. In this episode I talk about the following topics: The 4 most important lessons from the first...

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Kids And Screens @ Discovery Church In Orlando Florida

Kids And Screens @ Discovery Church In Orlando Florida

This is a special episode of the Play Therapy Parenting podcast. I was invited to speak at a "Parent Huddle" at Discovery Church in Orlando, FL on the topic of kids and screens. I was given permission to record this talk so that I could share this with my podcast...

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A Neurobiological Connection To Play Therapy

A Neurobiological Connection To Play Therapy

Hang on! This is a deep dive into how your child's brain works, and I'll explain why they sometimes act the way that they do. This episode was inspired after I read an article on Brain Harmony and I noticed a diagram representing a pyramidal hierarchy of child...

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What To Do When Play Therapy Skills Don’t Work!

What To Do When Play Therapy Skills Don’t Work!

In this episode, I talk through what to do when your children do not respond to play therapy skills. A Mom from Utah emailed me with some frustrations implementing the 4 Pillars and asked for my thoughts. I got permission to share her situation in this episode and we...

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Get On Eye Level With Kids

Get On Eye Level With Kids

A wonderful validation of what I teach parents happened to me on vacation a few weeks ago. One of the tips in the 10-week parent coaching program that I teach is to get on a kids eye level. So I did that to a kid in line at a McDonalds and you'll never believe what...

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New Baby Jealousy

New Baby Jealousy

In this episode I talk through baby jealousy when a new baby is introduced to the family. These concepts also apply to other situations when a new family member is added, such as step-children, etc. But new babies are the most common situation when baby jealousy...

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Don’t Give In To Screens!

Don’t Give In To Screens!

Over the weekend, I saw a disturbing scene play out while we were at a bowling ally, and it was a perfect example of what I call negative behavior reinforcement using devices. So in this episode, I share that story, then I explain the reasoning behind why negative...

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The Power Of Celebrations

The Power Of Celebrations

In this episode, I catch you up on, and celebrate some of the things I've been involved in lately, and then I celebrate an email that I got from a Mom... She wrote me an email and it touched my heart, so I asked her if I could share it. I celebrate all of the emails...

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Teaching Kids Empathy

Teaching Kids Empathy

Empathy is learned. Kids aren't born with it, and they mainly learn it by observing adults displaying empathy. We want our kids to show empathy when it's appropriate. Being kind and compassionate to others is a good character trait. In this episode, I talk about how...

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Discipline Is Not About “Controlling” Your Kids!

Discipline Is Not About “Controlling” Your Kids!

Do you often find yourself having to "step in" to control your child's behavior? In today's episode, I'm going to try to change your thinking about discipline. The goal of discipline is "self-regulation" on the part of the child. Otherwise, some children "keep...

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Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Have you heard the (true) story of the little girl that went out every morning to get the mail, and the mailman greeted her with "Hello, Miss America!"  She ended up winning the Miss America pageant.  We don't understand the power that words, phrases, and expressions...

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“Don’t Try To Change Everything At Once”

“Don’t Try To Change Everything At Once”

In thinking about New Year's changes, or things you want to change in this upcoming year, I want to caution you about changing too much at once! "Don't Try To Change Everything At Once" is another episode in my "Rules of Thumb" series [as taken from Child-Parent...

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You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Stop beating yourself up over things that you don't know! In this episode, I go over a concept that I call the "Parenting Prison". I'll explain what that is and how to get out. Next I discuss that there is no guilt or blame in not knowing something. Our parenting is...

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Are Schools Pushing Kids Too Far, Too Fast?

Are Schools Pushing Kids Too Far, Too Fast?

Did you have to take a career class... in middle school? Did you learn pre-algebra... in 6th grade? In this episode, I'm exploring the question: Are schools pushing kids too far, too fast? First, I read a letter from my son's school that was the spark for this episode...

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10 Things Not To Say To Your Kids (A Comparison)

10 Things Not To Say To Your Kids (A Comparison)

Do you say "Good job"? "That's what happens when..."? "If you do that again..."? I found a blog post titled "10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Kids", and I compare several of the "things" in this post to my 2011 post titled "10 Things Not To Say To...

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Parenting Styles – Why Authoritative Is The Best

Parenting Styles – Why Authoritative Is The Best

Do you wonder if your parenting style is helpful or harmful to your children's long-term well being? In this episode, we look at the characteristics of the Authoritative Parenting Style, which is categorized by high levels of both demandingness and responsiveness. We...

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“Parenting Hacks For 2021” – My Observations

“Parenting Hacks For 2021” – My Observations

If you follow this podcast, you know that I teach fundamentals and foundational parenting skills from a play therapy perspective. I do like to keep my "finger on the pulse" of parenting, and I search what's going on in the parenting world every so often.  For a long...

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Finding A Balance Between Kids And Device Use

Finding A Balance Between Kids And Device Use

Are you concerned that your kids spend too much time on devices? Do you wonder if there's a happy medium between no enough and too much? In this episode of the Play Therapy Podcast, I discuss these questions, plus... The America Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines...

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“I Love My Kids, But I Don’t Like Parenting”

“I Love My Kids, But I Don’t Like Parenting”

In this episode, I comment on a blog post I saw on that I couldn't ignore. "I love my kids, but I don’t like parenting—and I know I’m not alone".  So I'll unpack my thoughts on that by first exploring my opinion that many parents may feel like this...

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“Encourage The Effort Rather Than Praise The Product”

“Encourage The Effort Rather Than Praise The Product”

This is a continuation of the "Rules of Thumb" series [as taken from Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (Bratton & Landreth, 2019)] "Encourage the effort rather than praise the product". Encouragement is probably the most important tool in your parenting toolbox even...

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Adding Structure to your Summer Prevents Behavior Issues

Adding Structure to your Summer Prevents Behavior Issues

We are a month into summer... are your kids driving you nuts? It could be that you need to add some structure back into your kids lives to prevent behavior issues. In this episode, I talk to you about the importance of structure and schedule in kid's lives, I give you...

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“You can’t give away what you do not possess.”

“You can’t give away what you do not possess.”

This is a continuation of the "Rules of Thumb" series from the Child-Parent Relationship Therapy curriculum, which is the core training used in my In-Home Play Therapy program. "You can’t give away what you do not possess." is a reminder that you need to be good to...

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