Season 2 At-a-Glance Episode Guide for Child-Centered Play Therapists

The Play Therapy Parenting Podcast is now tailored to provide educational content specifically curated for parents. It effectively articulates the fundamentals of Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) in a way they will understand.

With no advertisements or commercial interests, this podcast is purely educational, designed to support therapists in bridging the gap between the playroom and the home environment.

Here, therapists can easily locate episodes by topic, enabling them to swiftly refer parents to relevant content by episode number.

Whether you’re looking to enhance parents’ understanding of the play therapy process or seeking to empower them with effective CCPT tools, this Quick Reference Guide is here to help you increase communication between yourself and your parents and equip you with valuable resources to enrich your practice and support families.

Season 2 “educational” episodes

Season 2 “Q&A” episodes

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Listen to the Play Therapy Parenting Podcast on Spotify

Subscribe to The Kid Counselor Family email to get a FREE “Birth Order” Workshop

Birth Order: How it Affects Your Child’s Personality

Subscribe to the email newsletter today and get INSTANT ACCESS to a video-recorded workshop I conducted on this topic.

You’ll learn:

  • The hidden influences of birth order on personality traits
  • How birth order impacts your child’s relationships and success
  • Practical strategies for leveraging birth order dynamics in parenting

Subscribe now and take the first step towards understanding and nurturing your child’s unique personality!